Margrethe Pettersen
Legg øret ned til marka #kornsyklus
Living Land - Below as Above
HavNivå - LyttePlatå
Biter av Allemannseie
Transformasjon av Trærnes Tid
Empetrum nigrum
Agálašvuođajurdda II
Vandring på Tromsø skipsverft
Vandring blant vekster i tid og rom-Melkøya
Ideen om evigheten-Agálašvuođajurdda
Pryd Miljø Plante Problem
Mens vi venter på våren
Vandring blant Vekster i tid og rom
Vandring blant vekster i tid og rom-Nygårdshøyden
SPIRAL de novo
Made up by 36 logs of Sibirian driftwood, Flyteskogen is an interactive sound sculpture. The logs are replanted in a circular shape in this site specific installation. It is accompanied by sounds related to water and the sea - sounds not unlikely heard along the route they have drifted. In a selection of the logs there are sensors which respond to vibration in the log - and peoples interaction with them activate the sounds. The sculpture was commissioned by Tromsø Kunstforening (Tromsø Centre for Contemporary Art), and is located in the surrounding park of their building by the north entrance. It was made possible with support from Sparebankstiftelsen DNB and Kulturrådet under Kunstløftet.